
Posted On Jul 26, 2024

#BePrepared - Wildfire Evacuations

Active wildfires recorded across the province are increasing Albertan’s risk to disruption. Upcoming weather changes may impact the severity and growth of these wildfires and prompt sudden evacuation orders. #BePrepared by:   • Adding an emergency…

Posted On Jul 22, 2024

#BePrepared - Working in Extreme Temperatures

All Albertans can be impacted by extreme temperatures at work, especially if you work outside. Reduce your risk during a heatwave this summer with these prep tips:  • Stay hydrated and take water breaks (1 cup of water every 15 minutes)• Wear clothing…

Posted On Jul 12, 2024

#BePrepard - Outdoor Activities in Extreme Heat

According to Global News Calgary, many Albertans are seeking heatwave relief in lakes, pools and rivers across the province. This uptick of swimmers, rafters, and floaters has also created an increase of water rescues and heat-related illness. Local…

Posted On Jul 05, 2024

#BePrepared - Heat Waves

During heat waves, buildings with no indoor cooling systems will continue to get hotter with each passing day, increasing health-related risks. Heat waves can also increase our risk to wildfires and lead to water and power outages. Monitor the weather…

Posted On Jul 02, 2024

#BePrepared - Summer Roadtrips

If you’re headed on a road trip over the summer, #BePrepared for any emergency by taking the following precautions:   • Download 511 Alberta and other apps to source the weather forecast, road conditions, and other pertinent information before you…

Posted On Jun 24, 2024

#BePrepared - Extreme Winds and Tornados

Strong winds and tornado activity have the potential to cause power or communication disruptions and potential injury. #BePrepared and have a plan to keep yourself and others safe. • Keep your communications devices charged and keep an external power…

Posted On Jun 14, 2024

#BePrepared - Tornado Season

Alberta’s tornado season has arrived, and it runs through September. #BePrepared and know the facts and preparedness measures to take:  • Most tornadoes develop in the late afternoon and early evening; they are often hard to see from far away and…

Posted On Jun 10, 2024

#BePrepared - Water Shortages

As we’ve seen in Calgary and surrounding areas recently, water shortages can happen at any moment for a variety of reasons and vary in duration. #BePrepared and learn what you can do to protect yourself and others before, during, and after water shortage.•…

Posted On Jun 03, 2024

#BePrepared - Flood Season

Springtime is the start of flood season in Alberta. Education around flood preparedness and a little home maintenance can go a long way. Here are a few preventative action items to #BePrepared and ensure your property stays dry:  • Use weather protection…

Posted On May 24, 2024

#BePrepared - What is your role in an emergency?

Disasters start in our communities and impact people first. We all have a role to play in emergency and disaster preparedness. By knowing your role, you can prepare for what is within your control.   #BePrepared by:      • Identifying the hazards…

Posted On May 10, 2024

#BePrepared - Do you have a plan for your pets?

Unexpected situations happen to all of us.  Do you have a plan for your pets? Here are some tips to get you started: Ensure your pets tags have your current contact information.  This can help keep them out of shelters and returned if they become lost. …

Posted On May 08, 2024

#BePrepared - Emergency Alert test

Today at 11:55 a.m., the National Public Alerting System will issue a test message to Alberta through TV, Radio, and directly to compatible and connected smartphones. During the test, an alert sound will go off with a message to the cellphone user confirming…

Posted On Apr 19, 2024

#BePrepared - Stay Connected

Emergencies and disruptions can occur at any time and leave you disconnected from loved ones and pets. Being prepared keeps you connected when the unexpected occurs. Stay connected tips:• Emergency contact cards (available in 9 languages) help those…

Posted On Apr 12, 2024

#BePrepared - Safeguarding your property

Flooding, wildfires, and extreme wind are common during the spring hazard season.  #BePrepared by safeguarding your property now to minimize the risk when the threat is real. Start with simple actions: Flooding Check the weather sealant around windows…

Posted On Apr 09, 2024

#BePrepared - Water Shortages

Water shortages happen for a variety of reasons including drought, planned utility repairs and maintenance or unexpectedly, such as extreme temperature fluctuations causing pipes to freeze or burst.  They can last minutes, days or longer and can affect…

Posted On Mar 28, 2024

#BePrepared - Know the Alerts

  Emergencies and disasters can occur anywhere, at any time. It is your responsibility to know the types of alerts being issued and ensure you are prepared if there is an emergency or disaster. Alerts are issued to provide you with critical instructions…

Posted On Mar 22, 2024

#BePrepared - Agricultural

Fires, blizzards and floods are common risks in agricultural communities across Alberta.  By being prepared, you can protect your farm animals, livestock and property so you can overcome these unexpected situations as quickly as possible. Know the risks: …

Posted On Mar 15, 2024

#BePrepared - Travel Plans

Spring break is approaching and if you are taking the opportunity to travel, don’t forget that a little preparedness goes a long way. #BePrepared by: Looking into the risks and hazards as well as emergency plans of the area you're travelling to. …

Posted On Mar 08, 2024

#BePrepared - Insurance Coverage

Did you know that only 55% of Albertans surveyed have adequate insurance? Here are some things to consider when purchasing insurance or reviewing your existing policy. • Your risk to specific hazards is influenced by where you live.  • Homeowner…

Posted On Mar 01, 2024

#BePrepared - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Unexpected situations can happen at any time. Having supplies ready is one way you can #BePrepared to better manage disruptions, big or small. • Consider what you would require to both shelter at home and leave on short notice.  • Essentials to…