#BePrepared - What is your role in an emergency?

Disasters start in our communities and impact people first. We all have a role to play in emergency and disaster preparedness. By knowing your role, you can prepare for what is within your control.  

#BePrepared by:     

• Identifying the hazards near you: Are grassfires common? Does a railway travel through your community?   

• Knowing what to do if you must shelter in place or evacuate your community.  

• Staying informed through your community’s website or social media channels. Download local, provincial and federal alerting apps. Apps like AEA, Wildfire, and WeatherCAN can help keep you safe.  

When you are prepared to respond to an emergency, you can ensure your needs are met when it matters most.  

Learn more about emergency preparedness to create routines and make it a habit.   

Learn about the Be Prepared program